Saturday, June 2, 2012

Cake for the Bride {& Groom}

Oh wow! I can't tell you all how happy I am that it's Saturday afternoon and I'm sitting on my couch, typing this post! This has been such a long week!! I got back from GA on Monday and immediately started working on wedding cakes for a friend of mine.  Before I get to the details of the cakes, let me just tell you that working a full-time job, training a new puppy, and working on weddings in the evening is not easy! Ha! Who am I kidding? That may be the understatement of the year! Don't let the pictures of my puppy, Jax, fool you..he's a little monster! :) I forgot what this stage is like.... back to the cakes....

The bride's cake was a Raspberry-filled Almond Cake with White Chocolate Buttercream and the groom's cake was a Sour Cream Pound Cake with Mocha Cream Cheese Buttercream in the shape of Mickey Mouse's head. Yummo!

I love the colors she picked and the topper? Just beautiful!

Cute, right? I love this topper too!

Ok, the bride's cake first cuz, let's face it...that's what everyone looks at first! The couple tasted several different flavor combos (thanks to all the cupcakes I've done for this blog) and decided on my Almond Cake with a raspberry filling and my, by now, famous White Chocolate Buttercream. Seriously, if you haven't tried this icing by now, I just don't know if we can be friends anymore. Ok, just kidding...but you really do need to try it...and, yes, I mean need. I'm a huge fan of the "messy iced" look so this was right up my ally.

Now, the groom's cake. For those of you who've been around awhile, you probably think this flavor combo seems familiar. Well, you're right. Remember my insane Coffee and a Donut Cupcakes? Bingo! The groom loved those flavors together and actually added one extra element - cream cheese. After tasting this icing I've decided that this guy is brilliant and I may go to him for future ideas! It's that good. Hello! Coffee + Chocolate + Cream Cheese = Genius! To make this I just used Wilton's Mocha Buttercream and added some of my own Cream Cheese Icing until I thought the taste was just right!

I love me some beautiful fake flowers for wedding cakes!

Had to get a close-up of that awesome topper...they're life together will be stronger because of their faith in the One who gave them each other!!

Well, that's what I've been up to all week. What have you been doing? Stay tuned to read about some awesome new kitchen gadgets I'll be reviewing next week and the chance to win a set of your own!! Plus, I hope to be getting back to the cupcakes so you should have some fun new treats to try soon! Until then, happy reading and, more importantly, happy cupcake-ing!


  1. Heather, these cakes are absolutely beautiful! Love the brides cake! You have such talent.

  2. Beautiful just keep getting better and better.

  3. OMG yum! Gorgeous bride cake! I'd love to taste both of those. Well I lied cause I'd like to eat them, not just taste them. lol.

  4. White Chocolate Buttercream...yum!! These are beautiful cakes!

  5. WOWWWW - these cakes are stunning!
    Your are certainly an artist

  6. What a fun hobby. They look great!

  7. Beautiful!! The Mickey is so cute! Thanks for linking this to Things I've Done Thursday!

  8. These look fantastic!! Wow! Great work, Heather! Thanks for sharing at Shine on Fridays.

  9. You did an amazing job! Those are absolutely beautiful!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Those cakes are amazing! I am going to have to try that white chocolate buttercream frosting. Thanks so much for sharing at Toot Your Horn Tuesday :)

  12. Very nice work! I have to try that almond cake mix. I have been trying to find a good white cake recipe forever. It is the bain of my baking existence:)
    Thanks for sharing at Whatcha' Whipped Up!

  13. Heather, these cakes are amazing! I love the both cakes but the brides sounds more up my alley. And the topper is beautiful!

    Thanks so much for stopping by Creative Thursday last week. I couldn’t do these parties without you. Can’t wait to see what you link up this week. Have a great week.

  14. Amazing! Thanks for linking up with us on "Strut Your Stuff Saturday!" We hope to see you next week! -The Sisters


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