Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Another Award ~ I'm a {Versatile} Blogger!

Hey friends! Some fabulous bloggers have done it again and I am overwhelmed. Three lovely ladies have nominated me for this award and I wanna say thank you to Teri @ TheFreshmanCook, Jill @ CreateCraftLove, and StayAtHomeAdventures. Thank you, ladies, for you support and encouragement.

Now, I need to do a few things...

First, some random facts about me:

1. I love the color green. Just about every shade of it. There's just something so beautiful and fresh about it that draws me in.
2. I have a strange love for Lifetime movies. I know, most of the time they're predictable, sometimes lame, and not always well-written or acted. But, for whatever reason, on a lazy or sick at home day, you'll inevitably find me curled up on the couch or in my bed, watching LMN.
3. While I love beautiful shoes, I hate wearing them. I have a closet full of gorgeous shoes: high heels, low heels, flats, boots, sandals, pointy toes, open toes, slingbacks...yet, I'd much rather walk around in my comfy black flip flops or, even better, without any shoes on at all.
4. I usually keep my hair short - shoulder length or in a bob - but secretly long for my own hair team to follow me around, keeping my long lustrous locks in check like the celebrities. *sigh*
5. My favorite smells are coffee, old books, B&B Works Japanese Cherry Blossom and Black Amethyst, Armani cologne, my mom (she ALWAYS smells good), the smell of rain right before or after a storm, and babies. All of these things will put a smile on my face every time!
6. I love to sing. I've been doing it as long as I've been able to talk and can't imagine ever stopping.
7. I can't sleep without a fan on. I need the background noise. I grew up in a household of six and there's something eerie about a night without any steady noise in the background. Can't do it.

Next, I get to nominate other fabulous bloggers who I believe deserve this award. Now, I'm fairly new and still learning about this blog thing. So, from me, this award may not mean quite as much and they may have received it earlier on in their blogging careers, but these ladies have been an inspiration to me and I feel the need to thank them for their encouragement and support and let them know that I appreciate their efforts, their example, and their hard work. So, without further adieu, here are my nominations for the Versatile Blogger Award....

{Kara} @ HappyGoLucky
{Amy} @ OneArtsyMama
{The ladies} @ SixSistersStuff
{Lisa} @ FlourMeWithLove
{Terry} @ ThesePeasTasteFunny
{Melanie} @ BearRabbitBear
{Kadie} @ SevenAlive
{Dorothy} @ CrazyForCrust
{Sarah} @ LifeOnWalnutStreet
{Katie} @ PincushionCreations
{Vicky} @ SleepingInAnUnmadeBed
{Cortnee & Cari} @ TwoSasters

Thank you, ladies! This blogger is grateful that you went before her! :)

Here are the rules to accepting the award:

~Thank the person who nominated you and include a link to their blog.
~Pass the award on to at least 10 other bloggers you believe deserve this award. (I say at least 10 because I've seen the rules read anywhere from 5 - 15)
~Include 7 random things bout yourself in the post.
~And, last but not least, notify the bloggers you've nominated by leaving a comment on their blogs.

That's it. Again, thank you to the three ladies who nominated me. I had no idea back in January where this was gonna lead, but I certainly am enjoying the journey! I'm so glad you're following along and hope you will continue to do so. As always...until next time, happy reading and, more importantly, happy cupcake-ing!


  1. You definitely deserve this award because you ROCK!! And thanks for passing it along!! It is an honor. I love reading your blog and being inspired by all your yummy recipes!

  2. Thanks so much for this sweet honor! You are the absolute best and I am honored!

  3. Thank you so much for the award! :) You're awesome! And I love LMN too - whenever my hubs takes the kid away for the weekend I scour the guide to tape bad tv movies. :)

  4. Congratulations on your award. You totally deserve it. I just adore what you do here,....mmmmmm,.....cupcakes (said with the Homer Simpson drooly face) and you are so amazingly talented at it! Thanks so much for sharing. I am so honoured to be in such amazing company. Big hugs from me.

    1. Thanks so much, Terry! I am overwhelmed by all the comments. I've made so many great new friends and am loving blogging!

  5. Congratulations on your award, you sure do deserve it! I am honored that you passed it along to me, thank you so much :)

  6. Congrats on your award! I just found you through twitter, and glad I did :) It's so funny, I always have loved the smell of books. Old and New and my husband thinks that is so weird! Glad you like the smell too !


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