Saturday, June 30, 2012

Blog Angel: The Reveal

Wow! I can't believe that it's already June and time to reveal who I've been secretly stalking for the past month. A couple of weeks ago I told you all about the Blog Angel event I've been participating in, hosted by Rosie at Craftbotic and Katlyn at Dreamy Meadow. This has been such a fun experience and I'm so glad I joined in on the fun.

Meet Jill from I Know the Plans I Have For You. She is a super fun woman with a beautiful family who blogs about her family, life, and the things she loves.


For the last month I've hounded Jill's blog, commenting on her posts, and shouting out to her on Facebook and Twitter like crazy. It's been really fun meeting someone new and focusing on her blog instead of just mine. I hope all of you reading this consider joining in next month when the Blog Angels starts all over again! I hope that I made a difference in Jill's life. I know that this experience has made a difference in mine! I've been reminded that it's important to put others first, to not get so focused on myself and what I'm doing that I forget that there are people all around me who need encouragement. We have no idea what a smile may be hiding. I wish I could've done more. Some days I felt like I was failing miserably. All I know is that I'm a better person for having joined up and can't wait til the next round! Happy reading, friends!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much Heather for taking part and doing so much for Jill over the last month. I really am amazed by how well you have done.

    Big hug,

    Rosie xx


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