Wednesday, May 9, 2012

2012 Summer Reading Challenge

Hey friends! I came across this fun challenge today and, book lover that I am, decided to join in! Megan over at Semi-Charmed Kind of Life is hosting and you should head over and check out her blog! Here's the low-down on the challenge:


  • The challenge will run from May 1, 2012, to September 1, 2012. No books that are started before May 1 or finished after September 1 will count.
  • No re-reads! I want you to experience new books with this challenge.
  • Each book must be at least 200 pages long, unless otherwise noted. Audiobooks are fine, as long as the print versions meet the page requirements.
  • A book can only be used for one category. If you want to switch the category later, that's fine, just be sure to account for that in your point total.
  • The highest possible total is 200 points, and the first three people who finish the challenge will win a featured/guest post on my blog. If less than three people finish, the participants with the three highest scores will "win." Good luck!

The Challenge:

5 points: Read a book chosen for the U.S. 2012 World Book Night.
10: Read a book you were supposed to read in school, but either bailed on or Cliff-Noted. (If you were super studious and never did this, then read a book most people were assigned to read in high school but you weren’t.)
10: Read a memoir or narrative nonfiction book. (Examples: Friday Night LightsWhen the Game Stands TallThe Devil in the White City, etc.)
15: Read a book in one calendar day. (Must be at least 150 pages long.)
15: Read a book that you've always wanted to read but haven't gotten around to yet.
20: Read a pair of books that have antonyms in the titles. (For example: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and The Boy in the Suitcase, or The Unbearable Lightness of Being and Heart of Darkness, etc..)
20: Read a book that is set in a place you've never been but want to visit.
25: Find a book written the year you were born that was later made into a movie. Read the book and watch the movie; compare. Or find a movie released the year you were born that was based on a book. Do the same thing.
25: Go into a bookstore or library. Pick any bookshelf. Read the third book from the left on the fourth shelf from the top. (If it's not at least 200 pages, pick the next book to the right.)
25: Read a book about which you’ve heard bad things. (Hey, you can’t knock it ‘til you’ve tried it, right? And I’m upping the points to make it worth your while.)
30: Read a trilogy (or any three consecutive books in a series). Total page count for all three books together must be at least 500 pages. (Remember, you can’t have read any of the books before! Suggestions: The Robert Langdon seriesThe Hunger GamesTwilight...)

I'm joining in a little late, but if you know me at all then you'll know that I'll have no trouble catching up! I spend way too much of my time late at night reading any and every book I can get my hands on so this challenge is right up my ally!! Well, I gotta go find me some new books to read....Until next time, happy reading and, well...yeah, that's it. Usually I say "happy cupcake-ing" but this time, the reading is more important! :)

UPDATE 5/14/2012:

My reading so far for the challenge ~

30 points - Read a trilogy - Sisters of the Quilt by Cindy Woodsmall, 881 pages
15 points - Read a book in one calendar day - Say You Love Me by Johanna Lindsey, 287 pages


  1. Ooh, I'm tempted because I have a goal of reading 52 books this year but I'm just keeping up on that so I guess I'll pass,...but I will be here to cheerlead you along. Good luck!

  2. oh my goodness - this sounds fun, but i have prob. had time to read three books in the last year! but I'm tempted to join, even if it's to do just a few! I'm going to post this on my blog - hope that's cool with you!

    stop by, julie

  3. wow this sounds interesting! I just started one yesterday so I guess that could count! visiting from SITS Spring Fling...beautiful blog!

  4. What a fun challenge! I wish I wasn't doing 10 million things this summer preparing for my new little one so I could participate :)

    Following from The Mingle with Us Blog Hop!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I'm really excited about this and have already picked out most of the books I'm going to read! :)

  5. I think I'm being sent a message to make cupcakes! :) Your reading challenge sounds great... I so need to do that.

    New follower from the blog hop. I'd love to have you stop by and check out my blog. I host a Weekend Blog Walk that runs Friday night to Sunday, and I co-host Mom's Monday Mingle and Favorite Product Friday. I hope you can stop by and visit!

    Jessica @

  6. Woohoo! So excited to have you join the challenge. I picked up three new books at the library today, so I'm hoping to buckle down this weekend and get some categories out of the way. :) Good luck!

  7. Heather-
    I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy reading your blog! I think I just gained 10 pounds just from looking. haha!

    Anyway, I also wanted to let you know that I did a feature on your blog today. You can head on over and check it out and even pick up a feature button!

    Thanks for all the great ideas!
    Briana @

  8. I just joined the book challenge and I thought I'd say hi! Happy reading!


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