Friday, April 27, 2012

Pancakes for Dessert ~ Blueberry {Pancake} Cupcakes

Thanks for hanging in with me this week. I've been really sick since Sunday and haven't been in the kitchen much. In fact, these cupcakes were my first time using our new oven. (Yes, I finally graduated from the counter top convection oven to a big girl's been weeks and I'm so happy!) I have asthma and sinus issues and this is my third bout with a sinus/respiratory infection since January. Let's just say it's been frustrating. I have an appointment with a specialist next week and will hopefully find out what's going on. If you wouldn't mind, prayers would definitely be appreciated! Now on to the cupcakes....

Oh. My. Goodness. These are just delicious. I came across this recipe on Pinterest and knew I had to give it a try. I mean, hello!! a cupcake...with blueberries...any questions?

The cupcakes really do taste like pancakes. The cake isn't too sweet which pairs so beautifully with the Maple Buttercream and the blueberries are (excuse the pun) the icing on the cake! I mean, just look at these things....

Oh they're just so yummy! Blueberry pancake cake with maple buttercream, drizzled with maple syrup and topped with fresh blueberries.  Here are the recipes so you can try them for yourselves...

 The Cake (recipe adapted from here):

1 cup butter, softened
1 ½ cup sugar
3 eggs
2 egg whites
3 1/3 cup flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon cinnamon
½ teaspoon nutmeg
1 cup sour cream
1/3 cup milk
1 tablespoon vanilla
1 ½ cups fresh or frozen blueberries

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and line pans with cupcake liners (yields 24)
2. Beat butter and sugar until light and fluffy.
3. On low speed, add eggs and egg whites one at a time until each are fully incorporated.
4. In a separate bowl, sift flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt, cinnamon and nutmeg together.
5. Add dry ingredients to the butter mixture in thirds, alternating with the wet (milk, vanilla extract and sour cream). Let each ingredient fully mix in before adding another, being careful not to over mix.
6. Fold in blueberries. Fill cupcake liners ¾ full and bake for about 18 minutes, or until an inserted knife comes out clean

Maple Buttercream:

½ cup butter, softened
8 ounces cream cheese
2 teaspoons Mapleine  (maple flavoring)
4 cups powdered sugar
Milk, as needed

Beat butter and cream cheese until light and fluffy. Add maple flavoring and powdered sugar and beat again until fluffy. If needed, add 1 tablespoon of milk to loosen. Pipe buttercream onto cooled cupcakes and top with cinnamon sugar and berries.

Now, I'll be honest. I had to make a few changes to the frosting. As is, it's pretty wet and didn't make enough to cover all the cupcakes. I added more powdered sugar and cream cheese plus some vegetable shortening (for stability) and maple syrup. I also added cinnamon to tie in with the spices in the cake. Just play around with it. I've found that icing is usually pretty forgiving as long as it isn't a whipped cream. I rarely follow icing recipes completely. Whatever you do, have these with a cup of coffee and enjoy! Until next time, happy reading and, more importantly, happy cupcake-ing!!


  1. Yummy! I love the sounds of these cupcakes. Delish! I'm pinning them for the (not-too-distant) future. ;)

    ~Steph @ Silver Boxes

  2. Thanks for sharing your yummy cupcakes. I have put you on my Versatile Blogger List.

  3. These are my favorite recipe!!!! You're featured:

  4. Maple Butter Cream! That is positively evil! You're going to make me fat lol

  5. That frosting looks amazing!

  6. These look awesome- make me anxious for my blueberries to come in!


  7. Those look amazing! thanks for sharing! following from sumo's

  8. Oh my do these look divine...what a neat flavor combination! Thanks so much for sharing at Mix it up Monday!

  9. They look DELICIOUS! I'm already pinning this as we speak. Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  10. Ok... I know I JUST commented... but had to tell you that I was checking out the rest of your blog and I am drooling so much over some of these creations that I just had to follow along. You sure know how to make cupcakes (and cake)!

  11. OMG!! These sound AMAZING!! Thanks for sharing another fabulous recipe. I hope your feeling better.

  12. Maple buttercream... what an awesome idea!! Love these!!

  13. These look so good and the frosting sounds amazing!! We loved having you join us for our "Strut Your Stuff Saturday." Please come back again soon. -The Sisters

  14. Yum! These looks fantastic. I've been searching for a great pancake cupcake recipe - I think I've found it!

  15. Yummm! We love everything blueberry around here. Especially when there's maple syrup involved. :~) Gonna have to try these for sure. Thanks for sharing them!

  16. Heather,
    These look super delicious! Pancakes are a favorite of ours and I love Maple flavor. Prayers are being sent your way for your sinus problems. Good luck with the specialist. Congrats on the big girl oven too :)

  17. Hi Heather! Congrats!! I am featuring you in my I Love Fridays link party. Feel free to stop by and grab a featured button :)

  18. They are beautiful too. I would go wild over that frosting and the berries on top make them sooo attractive. Thanks for sharing - and congrats for being featured at Mix it up Monday! After reading the comment before mine, it sounds like you're on a roll...=) Hope you're feeling better soon. If you haven't already, please come by Weekend Potluck and link up.

  19. The title of the recipe definitely caught my attention. I have to make these.. I can't image what a pancake cupcake tastes like. Please share this really unique recipe on my foodie friday linky today and I will pin this too.

  20. Sorry you've been under the weather. Hope you're back to your normal self soon. These look delicious though I never would have thought of that combination. Thanks for sharing at our party this week.

  21. Featuring YOU today! Thanks so much for sharing at {wow me] wednesday.

    Ginger @


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