Sunday, April 1, 2012

Cupcakes for dinner? April Fools!

It's kinda funny to me how many changes this blog has made in my life. I'm busier, always making notes on flavor combinations and decoration ideas, and celebrating holidays that used to pass without mention. Thus, today's post. April Fools cupcakes. Now, I'm sure that I'm not the first person to have this idea. I know that people have made these before and probably have served them for April Fools Day. However, I can honestly say that I came up with the idea on my own and, while it may not be original, I don't personally know of anyone who does these on this particular day. What are they, you ask? No, those are not chocolate cupcakes with a buttercream and fruit glaze. They're actually meatloaf cupcakes, some cooked with a ketchup "ganache" and some without, topped with mashed potato "icing", and drizzled with a ketchup glaze.

Fun, right? Oh, not to mention, delicious! For those of you who are aware that my oven is broken, you'll be happy to know that our countertop convection oven worked just fine for these babies. I had to bake them in three batches since they wouldn't fit more than 9 at a time but it worked out just fine!

I've told you before about my maternal grandmother and how she is the reason I'm a baker today. Well, the unbelievably easy and delicious meatloaf recipe I always use came from her and I am going to share it with you. Yep. You read that correctly. You're getting my Grandma Tommie Jean's meatloaf recipe. You're welcome! ;)

Strange yet delicious cupcake batter :)

Grandma Tommie Jean's Meatloaf:

2 lbs hamburger
1 1/2 cups uncooked oatmeal
2 eggs
2 T chopped garlic
1 medium chopped onion
salt and pepper, to taste

Mix all of the ingredients together with your hands. Yes, your hands. That was grandma's signature. :) Form into cupcake size servings and place in aluminum liners. Bake at 400 degrees until preferred doneness.

"Cupcakes" waiting to go into the oven

For the mashed potato "icing", I used the Ore Ida Steam 'N Mash potatoes (I'll never go back to peeling and cutting my own potatoes again!) and flavored them with steamed milk, butter, salt and pepper. I piped them right onto the hot cupcakes just as I would buttercream and then drizzled Heinz ketchup (we don't buy any other kind in our house).

These were so yummy and brought lots of smiles to my family's faces. I hope you will enjoy them too. And, if you try my grandma's meatloaf, please let me know! Also, don't forget to go here to enter the giveaway for a $10 Michaels gift card ending Tuesday! As always, happy reading and, more importantly, happy cupcake-ing!


  1. These are really cute! I'd love to make these anytime and trick my kids, lol. Thanks so much for sharing at Mix it up Monday :)

    1. They were a lot of fun to make and eat! :) Thanks for hosting, Lisa!

  2. I made these for April Fool's Day too. My five-year-old couldn't wait to tell everyone about the joke!

  3. You are so fun!!!!!!!! I will have to copy this idea - my kids would love this any night - not just on april fools :) GOOD ONE, Heather!!!!!! -Julie

  4. So fun! My little brother would love these! :)


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