Friday, June 15, 2012

Blog Angels ~ What a Great Idea!

Hey friends! Today I wanna tell you about a really awesome thing I've been a part of this month...

The ladies over at Craftbotic and Dreamy Meadow had the idea to secretly pair two bloggers up for encouragement, support, and fun! They assigned me my blogger and turned me loose. What are we doing? We're commenting, giving media shout-outs, designing things for each other's blogs, whatever we want to do to be a friend to another blogger. It's the midway point and I'm checking in to report on how it's going...

I think I'd have to say that I'm learning a lot about myself through this event. I've always been a "mother hen" type to the people in my life so helping out or taking care of others usually comes naturally. However, it's a little more difficult when it's secret and in a forum that I'm fairly new to myself.

I've had a great time, though, getting to know my fellow blogger. She is pretty awesome and stalking checking out her blog is pretty fun. I'm finding out that we have a few things in common and I love making new friends. The blogging community is such a fun, friendly place already, so adding to my own little community is always a blessing.

If nothing else, being a blog angel has taught me that this community that I've become a part of, well, it's a great place to be. I'm surrounded by awesome people, a lot who share my faith in my Savior, who are real, love their families, have awesome talents and gifts, and who are more than willing to brighten another person's day, lend support, and be an encouragement in so many ways! I can't wait til the end of the month when it's time to reveal who we had because I can't wait to be a friend out in the open to this cool lady! Also, I can't wait to say thank you to my own angel for taking a part in this awesomeness and being willing to support and encourage me!

Until next time, happy reading and even if you're not officially a blog angel, decide to be one to somebody today! Everyone needs encouragement and a pick me up every now and then. We all need to know that someone, somewhere, thinks we're important and that what we're doing here means something! Be blessed, but more importantly, be a blessing!


  1. This is such a good sentiment - we could all be blog angels for a day. Small efforts help so many people! I have just had an idea for another project based on this post. I will be in contact to see if you want to take part as it was inspired by your ideas. Thank you SO much for taking part. I really love that you are involved.

    Hope to see you sign up again in August (open from 15th July)

    Rosie xx

  2. Oh I love this! You are truly amazing Heather! I am glad that you are liking this experience even if it does kind of make you feel like a stalker, haha. And thank you for linking up and letting people know about what it's all about! Can't wait to read your reveal and hopefully have you join in on round 2 in August! Hope you're having a delightful Friday! xo

  3. I'm all for new friends too! :) This is such a fun way to find a new blog to follow and enjoy, right?!

  4. Hahaha! Stalking, so funny. So true, it's great to have a focus to help everyone we come in contact with no matter what right? :)


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