Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My First Award + a Little Announcement

Ok, first, before we get to the award part, let me share something that I think is pretty exciting. My friend, Kara, over at Happy Go Lucky is featuring yours truly and A Cupcake Love Affair on her blog today!! How fabulous is that? If you aren't familiar with Kara's blog, please check her out! So fun and informative! She hosts a fun linky party that I participate in every week and contacted me sometime last week and asked me to be her guest. Of course I jumped right on that! What an awesome opportunity! Thank you, Kara, for the honor and thank you, my fabulous readers, for coming back post after post!!

Now on to the award. This is pretty cool. My first blog award. It's called the Liebster Award. This award is given to blogs with under 200 followers who inspire others. Mine was awarded by Holly from Happy Food Healthy Life.

There are a few rules to accepting the award and they are....

1. Copy and paste the award on your blog.
2. Link back to the blogger who gave you the award.
3. Pick your favorite 5 bloggers with less than 200 followers who deserve to be noticed and leave a comment on their blog to let them know that they have received the award.
4. Hope that the 5 blogs chosen will keep spreading the love and pass it on to 5 more blogs.

So, I'm accepting the award and sharing it with a few worthy bloggers I love to follow! I'm awarding....

Joy @ Joy 2 Sew

Bree @ Twinkle in the Eye

Katie @ Pincushion Creations

Thank you, Holly, for the award!! Until next time, happy reading and, more importantly, happy cupcake-ing!


  1. You are too sweet!! You're blog rocks and for some reason I always crave cupcakes when I stop by:) Thanks for being my guest. Please come back soon and show off your talent!!

    1. Thank YOU, Kara - for the encouragement, the support, and the exposure! :)

  2. I have given you an award on my blog!

  3. Thanks for nominating me Heather. That's lovely :-)

    1. You're welcome! Your blog is lovely so it was only right I thought of you! :)

  4. Congratulations! I am proud of you! :D

  5. Found you through One Artsy Mama. New follower :)


  6. Found you through Emmaline Bags & Patterns - new follower

  7. Thanks for entering the Fashion to Figure giveaway! Thank you for the giveaway at Shine One Friday! I entered with my fingers crossed :).

    P.S. Did you know your email is set to "no-reply"? When leaving a comment on a blog, bloggers cannot reply to you via email. Just wondering if you knew :) It's the default in blogger. Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you for the heads up..just fixed it! :) Good luck on the giveaway!!

  8. You are more than welcome! Your cupcakes look delicious, and you are well-deserving! Now to check out something I saw about a coconut cupcake on the post before this.....

  9. Thanks, friend! I am honored! So glad to be able to inspire others!

  10. Too funny! I was just awarded and was going to choose you just today! You do deserve it, since you did just recieve one I am going to give it to someone else, but just so you know, I thought of you first!


Hey friends! Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. Reading them makes me happy! If you're a no-reply comment-er, please change this on your blogger. I make every effort to respond but sometimes can't get over here to post a reply. It's easier for me to hit reply on my email and immediately let you know that I appreciate your support and encouragement. Thanks much!


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