Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Cupcake & Baking Q&A

Good morning! Yesterday, on my Facebook page, I asked my friends if they had any questions or ideas that they'd like me to answer or try out. So, now I'm asking you, my blog readers, the same thing. Is there a baking question you have that you've been dying to ask someone? A specific flavor combination that you'd like me to try and then tell you about? If so, either leave a comment here or on my Facebook page, or go to my "Contact" tab and send me an email! I'd love to hear from you! Tomorrow be looking for that much-talked-about post on Raspberries and Lemons. :) As always, happy reading and, most importantly, happy cupcake-ing!


  1. What is the difference between cake flour and all-purpose flour? And, is there an inexpensive substitute for cake flour?

    1. I'm first going to answer your question technically, then practically. The definition of cake flour according to is this: "Cake flour has the least amount of gluten of all wheat flours, making it best for light, delicate products such as sponge cakes, genoise, and some cookie batters. Cake flour often comes bleached, which gives it a bright, white appearance." (

      All-purpose flour falls between cake flour and bread flour in protein and gluten content. What this means practically, is that cake flour lends a lighter, airier texture in the finished product. If you're making an angel food, chiffon, or sponge cake, you will probably want to use this type to get the right texture that sets these cakes apart. I will admit, however, that I personally have used AP flour when a recipe calls for cake and the difference isn't bad or intolerable, but there is a difference. I tend to stay away from cake flour because it can be rather expensive but, thankfully, in researching the answer to your question I found a substitute that may work. This is also from that same website and I am definitely going to try it in the future - "1 cup + 2 tbsp sifted cake flour = 1 cup sifted all-purpose flour." I hope this helps you!

  2. Hey, Heather! It's your cousin Mel! I was wondering if it really makes that much of a difference if you sift the flour or not. I see most of your recipes call for teh flour or powdered sugar or whatever to be sifted, and I have never actually sifted any of my ingredients before. So....does it matter?

    1. The correct answer is yes. It does make a difference. Now, is it enough difference that if you don't do it your cupcakes will be ruined? I don't think so. When you sift dry ingredients, you make them into a finer ingredient which gives a lighter overall product. I'll be honest. I don't always sift. However, over time, I've become more aware of the advantage of sifting and I find myself taking the time to do so more and more often. Thanks for reading, cuz! :)


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