Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A Baker, a Blog, and No Oven? It's time for a giveaway!

It is a sad day, indeed, when a pastry chef and author of a cupcake blog has no oven! Yes, folks, it's true. My oven is out of commission and I don't know when it's gonna be fixed. Seriously, I'm at a loss. I'm like a singer without a song, a doctor without medicine, or an author without a pen. How am I supposed to entertain you lovely folks or bring smiles to hungry faces? Well, I'm hosting a giveaway! That's right. For the next week you can enter to win a $10 gift card to Michaels! I don't know about you but I can spend hours in this store without noting the passing of time!! One of you lucky readers will win this fun prize by following the instructions below. What would you spend it on? Here are a few of my favorites:

Adorable Spring liners!

Daisies are my favorite and these sprinkles are just too cute!

LOVE this pan!

*These pictures are all taken from Michaels.com

Alright. Follow the steps below and good luck! I'll notify the winner next Tuesday and announce it here on the blog! *Update: The winner of this giveaway is Cari from twosasters.com, chosen by random.org! Congrats, Cari, and thank you to everyone who entered!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I would spend the Michael's gift card on scrapbook supplies.

    1. Nice choice! I wish I was more of a scrapbooker but, alas, I just can't get into it! Good luck!

  2. First, let me tell you, I feel for you deeply. I love baking, especially cupcakes, and to be without an oven would be absolutely devastating! It's bad enough the six cup pan I have now and my relic of an oven, but to have none would be entirely sad. :(

    But! As to how I would spend it, I would definitely go with a new pan. That fancy one there definitely caught my eye.

    1. I really am at a loss as to what to do with myself! :) And, good choice on the pan. I love it! Good luck!

  3. I just love doing crafts with the Kids... I'm certain I could find something they could create at Michaels. But what's really on my heart is to find a way to display some of their old artwork from when they were all kids. I would love to have an arrangement of their art for my house. Seeing that I kept every piece of paper they ever drooled on! I'm certain Michael's could help me!

    1. What a fabulous use of the gift card! Making memories is always worth it! Good luck!

  4. I would spend it on fun things I've found on Pinterest that I need crafts for lol. :)

    1. Excellent choice. I'm addicted to Pinterest myself! :) Good luck!!

  5. I would use the gift card to buy ribbon to make bows for baby Marion! :) I'm addicted.

  6. No oven? How sad! Fun idea for the giveaway--I love that spring liner! But I would probably get a picture frame or two. That's if I don't get lost in another section again. ;) That's my favorite store to browse through... I always forget the frames, but really need to put up some pictures. May God bless you with a working oven!

  7. Love your blog! Who doesn't have a love affair with cupcakes? Thanks for linking up with Twinkle in the Eye :-)

  8. I would use it on kid craft supplies or ribbon/bow stuff for Mel and Jon's little girls.
    You can come use my ovens!!!!
    --Nae :)

  9. I'm not sure what I would spend it on. Maybe some items for summer parties I am planning.

    lauren51990 at aol dot com

  10. I would use this to buy things for my little ones bday party!

  11. I would buy a something I could do with the grands

  12. YAY!! Thanks so much!!! I am so excited:)


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